
Socktober runs at WCHS until October 27. Bring your donations of new socks to the office and help make this a warmer fall for our neighbors in need. We need socks for ladies and children!
To explain the why behind Soctober: Rhonda Watt (mom of former student Erik Garthus) reached out to us in early September asking if we would be willing to promote Soctober at the high school.
She shared her why in an email: "I belong to an organization called MSTH (Moms Stop the Harm). Our organization advocates to end substance use related harms and death. As a mom who lost my son Erik Garthus to overdose in 2017, I have been advocating and assisting with the houseless population and those struggling from substance use disorder. Every October for several years we collect socks from October 1 to October 31st for a campaign called Soctober."
Your support is appreciated.