Our School

Grades Taught

Grades 9-12


Wetaskiwin Composite High School serves the needs of approximately 848 students from the City of Wetaskiwin, the Town of Millet, and the rural area of the County of Wetaskiwin, east of Highway 2. In addition, students from Maskwacis, south of Wetaskiwin are served through a tuition agreement with the Wetaskiwin Regional Public Schools. Students representing the nations of Louis Bull, Ermineskin, and Samson attend WCHS.


WCHS is part of a family of schools.  Parkdale, Queen Elizabeth, Centennial, Clear Vista, Norwood, and Griffiths Scott, are all schools whose students transfer to WCHS after grade 8.  Students from neighbouring Sacred Heart School in the Catholic system may also attend WCHS along with homeschoolers.

The 2024-2025 school year sees WCHS with a professional staffing complement of 42 teachers, 20 Educational assistants (10 are Jordan’s Principle), 2.5 Family School Liaison Workers, one  Indigenous Support Worker, and 6 custodial staff.

As Grade 8 students near the end of their Junior High years, the WCHS Student Services Department engages in an extensive orientation program to make the transition from grade 9 to high school a smooth and worry-free experience.  The orientation includes school visits, program information, Parent-Family Orientation Nights, one-on-one registration assistance, a Welcome Back BBQ, and welcome week activities.



Approximately 44 percent of students attending Wetaskiwin Composite are bussed to the school with the remainder coming from the City of Wetaskiwin. WCHS currently has 185 grade 9 students, 232 grade 10 students, 220 grade 11 students, and 211 grade 12 students.  The current gender composition is 433 males and 415 females.  30.3% of WCHS students identify as Indigenous.  The grade breakdown is as follows; 74 students in grade 9, 68 students in grade 10, 69 students in grade 11, and 46 students in grade 12.  WCHS has a diverse population, with students from Ukraine, India, Sri Lanka, the United States, the Philippines, and many other countries gracing our hallways.


Principal:  Mr. Shawn Willmott
Vice Principal:  Mr. Darren Demone for Grade 11 and 12
Vice Principal:  Mrs. Joline Wood for Grade 9 and 10


"WCHS...where teachers care that every student, every day, learns, grows and feels valued"


Wetaskiwin Composite High School will promote the overall development of a responsible citizen by:

  • Providing a place where every student, every day, learns, grows and feels valued.
  • Providing a healthy, safe environment that fosters dignity, respect, a sense of self-worth and a desire for lifelong learning.
  • Providing opportunities for everyone without discrimination.
  • Expecting high standards of conduct and performance.

Programs and Services

The school is constantly adapting to meet the needs of its continually changing clientele.  Programs include:  Alternate Education, Off Campus Education, Career and Technical Studies (Business and Vocational Education), General and Advanced level courses and a wide variety of complementary and optional courses.

Facts and Figures

Wetaskiwin Composite High School is approximately 6,500 square meters in size.  It is located next to the Manluk Recreation Complex, the CO-OP Center, and the Wetaskiwin Curling Club which consists of indoor swimming pools, outdoor tennis courts, two ice arenas, a curling rink, baseball diamonds, and a football/soccer field.  This close proximity to these wonderful services, allows WCHS students to have unique and exciting experiences.